
This sales plan has a monthly cost of € 149 and offers you a virtual store with a dedicated address and priority guarantee

If you decide to take advantage of this plan, you will be charged € 149 per month (including VAT). You will have a microstore with a dedicated address that will allow buyers to view only your products; you can insert an unlimited number of items in your inventory and catalog them in any product category on the site without any limitation. You will receive priority technical assistance from our staff in case you need it. Commissions are 4% + € 0.30 for each product sold.

The Plan in Numbers

Monthly Cost


Commissions on sales


Earnings granted


Seller assistance

In Short Words
  • 149 € per month
  • 4% + 0.30 € commissions on sales
  • Unlimited products in your inventory
  • High priority assistance in case of problems

This sales plan is ideal for large companies whose primary objective is to expand beyond their home country.